Meet Nalu’s Youngest Ambassador: Bruno

by Dali & Finn Schonfelder

“NALU = Saving Kids World” - Bruno

Meet Bruno, our Nalu ambassador from Brazil (who is also our youngest!). Bruno s a big fan of anything on a board -surf, skate, and snowboard, and he also has a deep love for the wildlife.

Bruno first learnt about Nalu when he lived in Bali and studied at the Green School. He got fascinated by the idea of contributing to something big by something as simple as buying a T-shirt. So when he met Finn and Dali, he knew he wanted to take part in making a difference.

Having a lot of similar interests with Finn, Bruno and Finn quickly became close friends. As Bruno spent some time in New York visiting Finn not too long ago, they discussed many things such as fashion style and how it shapes trend. They talked about how style is something that is very diverse.

They also talked about some deep stuff on social issue, like how no matter the amount of money people have or the color of their skin, everyone are no different and that all deserve their rights including the rights for education. He was so inspired by this and eager to support Nalu, Bruno thought of helping Nalu’s purpose when he moved back to Brazil.


Already a huge fan of Nalu clothing line, Now, Bruno and his whole family are involved in sharing Nalu’s legacy on the other side of the world and helping kids that are less fortunate to get the education they deserve!

Their plan with the launch of Nalu Brazil will start in support to Estação de Canedos, which is a rural schools located in Piracaia, São Paulo State and 100km from São Paulo city.

The school has 190 students and it provides them with food and transportations. Uniforms are not compulsory in Brazil, but all schools have one. It is usually a simple t-shirt with the school logo, but unfortunately most parents simply cannot afford them. Many thinks that the local government should provide the uniforms and school kits (pencils and books) for the student, but their budget is so restricted that they prioritize food and transportation.

With Nalu in Brazil, Bruno and family hope that they can continue the ripple of giving and contribute the supports that the children needs to stay in school. So, stay tune for the launch of Nalu Brazil.

If you are inspired by the story and would like to be a Nalu ambassador, join Nalu Academy now!


1 comment

  • It’s amazing to see that younger generations are starting to take actions in making the would a better place. I root for the future where education is something that every child can get easily in order to better their lives, their family, their country and the world. <3 So much love for you beautiful hearts.

    Alicia Annisa -

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