Giving That Creates Giving

by Georgia Glowaki

Being invited to be an instrumental part of this extraordinary Nalu giving trip was most certainly one of the highlights of my life!  I am a part of the Nalu Academy program, an online training that helps me develop skills to start Nalu in my own community. In the program, I learn the necessary skills needed to be an entrepreneur. From basic communication, to personal branding - how you present yourself online in social media, time and money management, setting goals, developing a plan and executing it to achieve the goals made.

This past summer is most definitely going to live in my heart forever as I will always cherish going to the schools and playing cricket with the shy school children, talking & laughing with them once they opened up, and ultimately handing out the school uniforms and seeing their deeply grateful smiles. Once you see their beautiful smiles it automatically makes the corners of your mouth just rise- it's involuntary! It's really amazing to bond with the children too!


At one point during our giving, I sat down on the steps and the girls started to play with my hair and they ended up beautifully braiding my hair &  I honestly couldn't tell you  who was the happier person in that situation- it seemed magically special for us all!  After I gave out the uniforms to the children I went over to a secluded little corner of the room where the girls were quietly sitting and with the VERY limited English that they spoke we seemingly communicated with ease and I found out their favorite color and school subject.

There was a particular girl around my age that stood out to me and her name was Yogita. I commented on the mysteriously beautiful stone on her third eye and told her how lovely it was. Not even 2 seconds later she took it off her own face and gently placed it onto my third eye. My heart was truly touched that they have close to nothing and yet they love to give and they will give you anything just to make you happy.  

This entire experience was so inspiring and filled with extreme amounts of love that I would recommend the Nalu giving trip to absolutely everyone.  My life is forever changed for the better as I've connected to a part of myself that I hadn't known before India.  A part of myself that loves to give more graciously, feel more deeply, experience things more vulnerably, and open myself up to others more willingly.  

I witness my life though a new set of lenses now and My view is so greatly enhanced with the vibrancy of worldliness & wisdom!

Thanks Nalu for taking me on this giving trip :)

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